Boy, how did my life change in just a few short months?

If it hadn’t been for Tamaey showing up in my life, I literally have no idea how my life would’ve turned up…

Everything was going downhill and despite all the efforts I was making I was going nowhere. Tamaey showed me how I can start reading all the signs around me, what it means to be in the flow and allow myself to take a step back so I can re-evaluate my life and appreciate what is actually going on.

I stopped pushing and as Tamaey suggested took a 2 month break. It felt so weird at the time because I never allowed myself to, well, really take a break. And that’s when the magic started happening. I realized that my life isn’t about pushing and grinding, it’s about following the easy and positive feeling in my heart.

As Tamaey says - If it’s not a definite yes, then it’s a definite NO.

Tamaey is my soul sister – she changed my life and my vision and I will be eternally grateful to her!



I wanted to thank you so much for our wonderful coaching session! I felt so much relief once we got to root of my core issue, and I feel much more clarity about how my life is unfolding. It has been such a relief to feel “seen” and to know that I truly can relax into the up-leveling that has been occurring in terms of the higher aspects of my soul merging at this time, and I have a much deeper understanding and allowance for myself and my process.


San Francisco

Tamaey is an excellent listener who truly cares about you. She helped me to decipher what I was feeling and verbally express it. She was like a detective—unlocking my inner most thoughts and bringing them to the surface/light. I could deeply relate to her and felt comfortable telling her my story. She gave me HOPE that my life/future could and would be better. I highly recommend her to others. She is truly a healer!



You gave to me freely and that means the world to me! I do know this, I am not to be so small with my love and light and NOW is the time to put the chains on the door of the past that will keep it shut. I can’t thank you enough for your ability to really dig deep and help me get to the core of what’s blocking me from living the live of my dreams! Your mentoring program helped me SO much, thank you Tamaey!



Thank you so much for validating what I have been hearing, All I can say is Wow, Wow, Wow. I am so grateful to you for giving your time to me/us! Thank you for that wonderful teaching on the Law of Attraction! I love our sessions and implement all of your suggestions with amazing success! You ARE a great teacher and mentor! My life is finally making sense to me. I’ve discovered my purpose and now living my passion and couldn’t have done it without your help!



Thank you for the story of your Iife, which in a way opened my eyes and confirmed the statement that “never think that you are alone in this world to experience i have experienced setbacks in your life, until you listen to other people’s stories of their life. Your teachings have opened my eyes to see what’s possible for me! Great mentor!



Tamaey can intuitively help you identify your goals and motivate you to make those goals a reality for your future. Her dedication to ensuring her clients achieve their desires is fueled by a KNOWING that it’s possible for everyone. She exudes love for all of humanity. One just has to talk with Tamaey and know that she is an authentic being whose desire is to skillfully and lovingly coach others into their greatness and live their abundant, love filled life.


Nova Scotia

I needed a miracle and have never taken advantage of 'free calls' but I was drawn to your message and very happy I said YES! You gave me the clarity I needed Tamaey, thank you. I'm really looking forward to our next session.



Thank you so much for spending your time on me. I feel so much more hopeful for the future after talking to you, sort of like Christmas as for me will be more around next summer.... and It's always worth waiting for something good! Your guidance and insights were so so helpful and I look forward to seeing what's next for me. Thank you Tamaey!



I was referred to you by a friend not knowing what to expect and happy to say you exceeded my expectations Tamaey! Thank you so much for the guidance, suggestions, and insights about the direction of my life. It helped so much.



I feel so so so much better now-after just our first real talk. I feel very at ease with you. I know that I am doing the right thing. It’s no coincidence that I chose you to help me overcome my hurdles and undo my bad habits, guiding me towards fulfillment and abundance. I am looking forward to achieving my potential both personally and financially with your help.



Thank you for dedicating time to assist me!! You are a phenomenal gift that I receive and appreciate.


El Salvador

You have really contributed so much to my life. I reached a point of contemplating suicide last year because of financial challenges after losing my highest paying job ever. Your inspiration and ideas have made my life what it is today. I just signed a new contract with another company and my hope is back again. I can’t wait to see my best life.


Incredible… absolutely incredible. I’m extremely grateful that you took the time to speak with me. It’s very evident that you are a wondrous soul on a magnificent path. My faith in the powers of the universe strengthened a hundred fold yesterday!


New Hampshire

You are nothing short of awesome. I’m very very grateful and fortunate to have someone of your abilities come into my life. And hello!!…at just the right time!! Another wondrous sign to strengthen my faith in the universe.



Thank you SO very much and I know you will be your best on your call with many having great thoughts from all your wisdom and sharing!


You are the only person that I have shared this info with because I am wanting support rather than sympathy or a shoulder to cry on. Allowing the flow of abundance is so very new to me.. I have always thought that it has to be hard work with long hours but your assuring words and thoughts of inspiration is helping me to change my focus.



Thank you Tamaey, thank you for changing my world, I love you for everything you are and you do. There are no words in the world to describe my gratitude to you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and my whole human being. Working with you has changed my life!



Once I began working with Tamaey I discovered that she had knowledge and wisdom to offer to me in my own quest for my best life. Unlike a lot of coaches, she was leading and coaching by example and her wisdom emanated from her own very successful experience. Through conversations and emails, she guided me to examine aspects of my life and influences that provided a new and far greater perspective and understanding of myself. While ultimately rooted in metaphysics and spirituality, her guidance always has immediate practical application that addresses short-term specifics while retaining focus on the ultimate objective. More importantly, it is coaching delivered with great care and compassion that inspires you to want to dream big and make your best life a joyful reality. My journey is on-going and expanding. In my daily expressions of gratitude, knowing Tamaey and having her as an integral part of my journey is at the top of my ever-growing list.



Thank you for being in my life and making a difference that I’ve never imagined possible.



Tamaey, working with you has been one of the MOST surreal and enlightening experiences I have ever gone through. You’ve given me clarity around my purpose and offered insights that I had never thought of!!! You truly are a messenger of God and I’m deeply honored to have crossed paths with you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being the flashlight until I could hold my own.



I just want to say I loved talking to you on our intro call and much better and more invested than most coaches; which is really rare to find in an industry that seems to becoming too concentrated to be frank. You are definitely special and passionate and committed. So I hope you keep at it and continue to inspire more people; even if its only by a 30 minute consultation or whether its through a one year commitment. You touched my heart in a 30 minute call more than other coaches have in 3 month commitments that I have had with them.


Los Angeles

You have done an incredible job. I will certainly dig in and personally recommend you and your teachings to my friends. I’m confident they’ll be benefited from this website and your insights!


Middle East

My brother recommended I might like this website and he was totally right! Especially the post titled ‘Unhappy? Congratulations!’ You can not imagine simply how much time I had spent for this information! Thanks!



I now have that faith in me that you have in me! Thank YOU Tamaey for being the light in my darkest hours, my life is forever changed because of YOU!



I can’t put into words how excited I am to continue on my journey and have the help, guidance, love, motivation and support from you and the Dreamz Global Community! This is only the beginning, and I couldn’t be happier!


St. Louis

It was amazing, Tamaey Gottuso! Thank you for your generosity and commitment to getting to the source! I feel the excitement and lightness of the energy and will allow myself time for more answers to reveal themselves as I explore and play with things I’m truly passionate about and the life I desire. Bless you for your insights and ability to tap in to the Divine.



So thankful that I didn’t throw in that towel when I first started with Tamaey. There were times that I questioned myself and if what I was getting out of our sessions together was really worth it. On occasion, you pushed my buttons big time and other times you just caught me when I fell. I’m forever grateful that you didn’t give up on me and I know that you came into my life exactly when I was open to receiving more . You have opened up my heart again to dream and to know that God has way bigger plans for me yet.



I love, love, love the Community Calls and look forward to each weeks message and coaching. I AM so excited and grateful to have you in my life!!!



The changes that you’ve brought into my life already are just amazing!!!


New Zealand

I just can’t believe how you have changed my life in just ONE phone call. I listened to an interview you had given several weeks back and knew I just HAD to book a session and I was not disappointed. You ARE authentic in every way Tamaey which is rare. Thank YOU for showing up when I needed you most. I can’t wait to see how our next sessions unfold.


Southern California

I’ve been a part of several courses you’ve offered and now in your weekly Community, the calls are AMAZING!!! You share relevant messages each week that have helped me TRUST the unfoldment of my life and for some many others on the calls. Your generous gift of staying on the calls until all questions/comments are shared is amazing. THANK YOU Tamaey for making such a difference in my life.



Your Community Calls have changed my life. I finally understand WHY things are unfolding the way they are and how I can get through these challenging times with more ease and grace. THANK YOU Tamaey!



I heard you on a radio interview and emailed you immediately after knowing that you were a gift, a messenger, here to support me as I transition into this next phase of my journey, THANK YOU! I’m learning to trust the intuitive nudges from within and can’t wait for our next session. Just hearing your voice and connecting in a deeper way has offered me so much hope.



You ARE truly the direct expression of Source and I AM so grateful for your guidance as my wife and I transition into this next phase of our journey. THANK YOU Tamaey!


Bear Lake

I’ve been working with Tamaey since April of 2018. I met Tamaey at a conference and immediately felt connected to her. I later reached out to her during my darkest times. She is so loving, genuine and deeply cares. She has been a life saver. She’s helped me remember who I truly am. She’s helped me see my true gifts. She’s encouraged me to keep growing. All of her support through coaching has helped me lose weight, improve my relationship with my kids and husband as well as grow my business. Tamaey possesses great wisdom that permeates every part of your life. I highly recommend working with her, doing your inner work and commuting fully to the process. I would not be where I am today without her.


North Carolina

I wanted to thank you so much for our wonderful coaching session! I felt so much relief once we got to root of my core issue, and I feel much more clarity about how my life is unfolding. It has been such a relief to feel “seen” and to know that I truly can relax into the upleveling that has been occurring in terms of the higher aspects of my soul merging at this time, and I have a much deeper understanding and allowance for myself and my process.


San Francisco

Thank you so much for all your time and patience with me Tamaey! Thank you for helping me see clearly the blocks that are keeping me from living my true, authentic self. You’ve made such a difference in my life! I encourage anyone looking for a coach to work with you. My life is so much richer because of it!



I was scared to book a free session with you because I knew deep inside that you would see the parts of me that I wasn’t quite ready to look at! However, you made me feel safe and supported and that’s exactly what I needed to take the leap. Our time together is so incredibly helpful. Thank you Tamaey for all you’ve done for me! I’m excited to see what’s next!



I can’t believe in just 15min you were able to offer the clarity I was seeking! All I can say is WOW. In just that short amount of time you’ve given me so much to build upon Tamaey. I look forward to our next session together! Thank YOU!



I heard you on a podcast and took advantage of your free consult and WOW what a surprise! I was one of those skeptics thinking you were just going to pitch a product but NO! You truly helped me see what I’ve tried to figure out for so long. Thank you Tamaey for all your help! I’m excited to work together to see where these next steps lead me.



You offered me a free consult a year ago and I just wasn’t ready to hear what you had to say or take the leap of faith into the unknown until last week and WOW! I’ve already booked my next session and feel the transformation taking place from just our first call together. The teacher appears when we are ready and I AM. Thanks so much for keeping me in your radar over the past year Tamaey. You’ve help me so much already!



I’ve now had a couple of conversations with you and didn’t really believe that you could help me so I like so many others, pushed this aside until I just couldn’t live the life I was living anymore. Today I had breakthrough after breakthrough and all I can say is THANK YOU for believing in me when I couldn’t believe in myself. I’m finally getting it.



I cannot wait to feel the freedom of your energy healings! Its like you are giving these miracles away!!! I needed a miracle so desperately and you blessed me beyond words and I THANK YOU Tamaey for showing up when I needed you most.


United States

Thank YOU Tamaey for allowing me to be a guest on your weekly Community Calls! I was so excited that I was able to get my questions answered and feel the support of not only you but the Community as well. I’ve been looking for a support system and now I’ve found it! You were right, when we follow those intuitive nudges miracles DO and WILL happen.


United States

Tamaey, I would NOT have made it this far without you and your assuring encouragement when I was flailing and so distraught. Thank you from my heart for reaching out and tuning in to me. You give me hope and context when I’ve absolutely had none. Coaching with you has absolutely changed my life.



Thank you so much for extended the branch for me to climb upon Tamaey. I didn’t know where to turn and then got a email from you with a free consultation offering which ‘unlocked’ me in ways I am yet to figure out. You are gifted yet humble and I’m so happy to have now found someone to support me on this next stage of my journey.



You offered a free consult and quick frankly my expectations were low BUT not for long. The minute we started talking I could feel the energy flowing through you Tamaey. I felt a familiar soul who’s guidance and information resonated so deep, just WOW is all I can say. I am new to your work and looking forward to working together. Thank you for showing up when I needed you most.



I’ve been on the ascension path for a long time and know that we all need help along the way so I took advantage of your free call hoping to get the answers I was seeking and boy oh boy did you pull through. I let go of all expectations and just allowed Source to lead the way. SO MUCH juicy information came through you Tamaey, thank you so much for your work. Can’t wait for our next session!


United States

I’ve had physical pain in my body for a long time and unable to make much headway in understanding what’s going on but YOU DID! Gosh, I had no idea you had such gifts Tamaey. Thank you so much for guiding me through such a powerful session. I immediately felt the shift as soon as we started talking. I don’t know how you do what you do but I am ever so grateful.



Your heart-centered messages to me have been key aspects in what I am experiencing as an awesome magical, miraculous week. Thought about you yesterday as I heard Matt Kahn say, “When you can find freedom independent of circumstances, you are ready to carry that freedom beyond circumstances!!” How magical to feel such a profound connection with you, dear Tamaey, as though we’ve been friends for many years (lifetimes perhaps)?



In just a short 15min consult you were able to give me the clarity that I had not been able to get on my own, simply amazing! Thank you Tamaey for your time, patience and wisdom. I feel excited about my life for the first time in a long time!



I have had many ‘free consults’ with coaches, all were good but I left each call still feeling unclear about my path, who I AM and what’s next for me. After our consultation I was surprised that I now how the clarity of vision that was there all along but one that I wasn’t able to see clearly. THANK YOU Tamaey for your time, energy and efforts! It has made such a difference in my life and I AM so grateful.





  • FREE access to a 5D guided meditation to help you feel more grounded, centered, and present to connect daily with Source energy.
  • RECEIVE in-depth training on what 3D/4D and 5D are and how you can maneuver the dimensional waters with ease, grace, and flow.
  • LEARN what 5D abundance truly is and how you can harness these powerful energies flooding our planet right NOW. 
  • LEARN to view money differently so that you align with it rather than repel it.
  • UNDERSTAND at a deeper level the energy of poverty consciousness and how you might be holding yourself back unconsciously from ALL that is inherently yours and always has been.
  • RELEASE unconscious vows of poverty that have followed you for lifetimes, permanently.
  • RECEIVE an ABUNDANCE activation that can be repeated at any time to anchor these higher vibrational keys and codes at a deeper level.
  • REMEMBER how everything you desire already exists, and what you need to do to align with it.
  • LEARN a new way of manifesting in the 5D world that perhaps you've not heard before (trust me, it's POWERFUL!)
  • REAWAKEN those dormant parts of you that are READY to come back online so that you can live a life of magic and miracles daily.
  • GAIN the clarity you need around what you truly desire and learn how to attract those desires into your life RIGHT NOW.
  • ACCESS the white purification flame to clear ALL residues from the past that no longer serve you.
  • LEAVE the workshop feeling inspired, uplifted, and CLEAR on how to manifest your reality in the 5D world.

To learn more, check out the FREE WORKSHOP RECORDING below: