As we move into a new day, a new season be it the fall for those of us in the northern hemisphere or the spring for those of you in the southern, it's meaning significant.
Nothing is random and all is divinely orchestrated as all IS God. There is nothing that is not Source. You and I ARE Source in it's most literal form and the evolution of our planet and our soul is a part of a much grander plan, one that we perhaps cannot or do not understand.
The dismantling and breaking down of an obsolete system continues to happen and as shared before COVID, the great catalyst for global change on many levels. You being here right NOW is no coincidence as you volunteered to participate in this grand experiment and where you are located was the place your light, your soul essence, your soul's signature was needed. In short, you are exactly where you are meant to be and it is all designed by you and FOR you.
What we are witnessing on the world stage is the external evidence of an internal cleanse, individually and collectively. However, most are not awake enough to truly understand what's going on upon our beloved Gaia.
Most feel threatened by change in a subconscious way. It brings up deeply buried memories tied to not feeling safe, not in control. This is the FEAR we are all in the process of purging and purifying and if you don't understand that it is all for YOU this purification process can be extremely challenging and even if you do understand what's going on, it is not easy.
What you see in the world lies within you, it IS you. Do you see fear, chaos, confusion, anger, rage, and upset? If so, that is what still lies within you that has yet to be healed. There is nothing OUT THERE that is not inside of YOU. The world in which you see in the world that you are projecting from inside of you.
Remember, it's all FOR YOU every ounce of it and you have within you all that you need to get you through the most challenging of times.
You CAN do this, my friend.
WE can do this together.