If you're not familiar with Kryon (an angelic loving entity from Source channeled by Lee Caroll), I wanted to share a wonderful message (I've paraphrased and also added my personal insights) to support you on your ascension journey as I've found its message most helpful on mine.
Mastery has peaceful countenance, wisdom, and understanding amid the turmoil. An attribute of mastery says that no matter what is happening around you, you have the ability not to be a part of it. You are there as a part of it because you live in the 3D but how you react to it is what matters. Amidst the turmoil can you find God within it? Can you be an observer and not a reactor? God resides within you and what you are observing at any given moment. The ability to stand peaceful amongst all that surrounds you in turmoil is attribute number ONE in self-mastery.
Mastery does not react, mastery observes and in the observation of what's going on and looks for compassionate action. This is a hard one. When someone stands before you and they are upset or they are saying you are wrong or asking you to change or projecting criticisms about you and your life, what is your reaction? The human being at the elemental level is designed for survival so when we perceive being attacked our automatic reaction is defense. Mastery does not react, mastery observes. Imagine someone coming up to you, attacking you and you do not react, instead you are observing somebody who is hurting, realizing right away they are in trouble, or they're upset and it has nothing to do with you. Their projections are a release from the pain they are feeling inside. If you can stand in LOVE and compassion and not take it personally you have mastered the SECOND attribute.
Mastery surrounds itself with LIGHT, all the time so that everywhere you walk you push that light before you and you don't react to things that are dysfunctional. Surrounding yourself with light is the key to the first two attributes. When you are surrounded by light, the Creator, at all times, you don't then react, you are peaceful in turmoil. You have the visualization that you are surrounded by a bubble of light at all times and that then allows you to create things to come to you and through you. Light attracts ALL that is meant for you. This is attribute number THREE.
Mastery rejects anything that would diminish another person, any verbiage, any thoughts that would diminish another human BEing. That means that when are in a group and they are gossiping, you do not partake or cooperate and would not feel empowered if another said they were less than you. Mastery rejects the idea of diminishing the majesty and the magnificence of any other human being on the planet. Perhaps you're at a family gathering and witness this happening and you don't join in and they look at you for your opinion, choose your words carefully.
Light is attracting others wanting what you have and that's when you share what you have found, within you. You have found YOU, your connection with Source who IS you. In the midst of all the turmoil can you uplift ALL and diminish none? This is attribute number FOUR.
I pray these words were helpful today.
3D, Judgement, Kindness, Light, Spiritual Mastery