Never feel small, never feel insignificant, never feel that you have no purpose or cannot make a difference because we will tell you that every one of you serves a greater purpose than you can ever realize. You are a God within God, a micro part of the larger whole and you have at your disposal all the power and might that you could possibly wish for.
No life on earth is ever wasted – each serves a purpose whether it is realized during that lifetime or not. Do not dwell on insignificance – instead, look to become the best that you can possibly be in yourself. This does not mean searching and seeking for means of serving your fellow travelers – on the contrary, you are more likely to miss what is happening around you. #Paul Dobree-Carey #Channel #Source
Instead, concentrate on the small differences you can make to yourself and those around you. Each brief moment of joy, each kind word, each little action helps to raise the vibrations of all ever higher until it becomes self-sustaining, a small wave joined by other small waves becomes a giant tsunami that sweeps the planet and carries all into Ascension – together.
I hope these powerful words from Source inspired you today.
Ascension, joy, purpose, source