You are here at this time on planet Earth to help shift the consciousness of humanity (one of many) with the beautiful gifts only YOU hold within your BEing.
The service-to-others leader is ever ready to support when needed and never feels the need to chase opportunities but remains open and spontaneous. He learns to trust the flow and allows those in need to find him.
I'm mentioning this now because we are all peeling off layers of old programming and patterns based on fear, and fear can make us all a bit bonkers at times, would you agree? Especially if we do have spiritually-based businesses and things are shifting.
Maybe you're not quite sure what your service to humanity is and are unsure how to tap into that awareness?
Perhaps the work that you once did no longer fills your cup or maybe you're sensing something much more meaningful but don't quite have the clarity around it OR maybe you have a business but the old way of doing things just isn't working anymore?
During this month of November and on the eve of the 11/11 gateway, harness the energies of this powerful portal to LET GO of anything not in alignment with your soul's highest path so that what is ready to flow in does so effortlessly and gracefully.
When we hold on to anything from our pasts that no longer align with our highest and best good, it creates a roadblock to all that's ready and awaiting YOU. We can't bypass the work which means there is no better time than NOW to get assistance from the higher realms to do just that.
CLARITY COMES AFTER THE CLEARING so if you're not clear on who you are or what you want or what your soul's purpose and mission are, spend time over the next few days LETTING GO. I promise if you do, the sun will rise and the clouds will part and clarity will come.
1111, alignment, clarity, clearing, Letting Go, patterns, service